Tom Rasmussen releases debut album ‘Body Building’.

Written by Laury Verdoux

Tom Rasmussen is a musician who who just released their debut album, Body Building on March 29th under Globe Town Records.

Tom's project's key is creating a secure, imaginative, and inclusive space, and they have invited close friends and important voices from the trans community to join them on the album as guest features. These individuals include award-winning writer, performer and theatre maker Travis Alabanza, editor, journalist, presenter, and Sunday Times-bestselling writer Shon Faye, and iconic DJ and Music Writer Princess Julia.

These guest features contribute moving declarations that celebrate and complicate ideas of radical self-acceptance and empowerment, presented as interwoven interludes in the album. Tom's own narrative tackles deeply personal issues and simultaneously universal feelings on love, complex identity, and where to find true freedom.

Body Building is not merely an album; it represents all that Tom has learned over a decade of working at the forefront of their culture. It is a self-rendered journey of exploring the construction and deconstruction of an alter-ego, one that always strives to access the honesty and emotion of both the queer and human experiences. This debut brings together Tom's writing, taste, politics, and, most importantly, their voice.

Connect with Tom Rasmussen: Instagram | Twitter 


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