Interview with Andi Young.

Interviewed by: Laury Verdoux

Hi Andi Young, thanks for your time! Can you introduce yourself to those who don't know you?
I’m a recording artist and songwriter from Sydney Australia. I grew up singing and playing the violin, I don’t like talking much, but I sing it out, it’s way easier to put my ugly and not so socially normal thoughts and ideas into songs than speaking them out.

What made you want to become a singer?
I simply could not imagine doing anything other than singing. I always loved the sounds that touched my heart and I just wanted to deliver my voice in a way to touch others’ feelings. How do I make people understand the emotions I’m delivering? That’s always been on my mind forever. So my intense passion for music and singing means that I must become a singer.

You had to stop music for a few years and you've just released 'Sick of You' on June 24th. How does it feel to be back?
I can’t wait for the song to be heard by everyone. The past few years gave me a lot of contents to write about and my voice has never been better, so I’m very excited to write new contents and release some new genres and do something new to represent myself now. I didn’t know how to be myself before but I’ve taken the time to grow and let go of things that bothered me, so this time I’m really 100% myself.

What can we expect from you for the rest of the year? Any clues that we could get about upcoming releases?
I’m going to sing and that’s what I should be doing. Original contents definitely, because I really don’t like singing other people’s work, I respect every artist and I just don’t wanna do cover songs anymore, even on social media, where people become famous by singing covers, it’s just not for me. I will give my audience what they deserve - a lot of me.

You used to be a Kpop trainee. What can you tell us about that experience?
Sore ! I was in Seoul for a while for that purpose and I had the experience of being fully trained and for me, a huge part was to dance, so there were many many hours of just stretching and warming up from very early in the morning, basically just waking up to stretching and then dancing for the rest of the day, and I was not allowed to do any move wrong or I would be verbally abused by the trainer, and every single hand gesture and body move must be exact, very high mental pressure, so I didn’t think it was for me, it completely tried to make me someone I was not, and I
refused to be anyone but me.

Can you share five records that you can’t get enough of right now?
I always listen to the old albums, Christina Aguilera Stripped, I think it still stands out in 2022 and her delivery of the raw emotions is timeless. Sia This is Acting.... I love their vocal abilities and the broad range, that brings the music to a higher level,so I can listen to their vocals for decades to come. But new albums like Crash by Charli XCX, Harry’s House, Billie Eilish Happier than Ever are pretty cool too.

Connect with Andi Young: Spotify|Instagram


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