Interview with George O’Hanlon.

Interviewed by: Sarah Evangelista


For fans of Briston Maroney and John-Robert, here’s a new artist for you: George O’Hanlon. The singer/songwriter just released his debut track, “The Storm”, and it’s a perfect tune to add to your late night drives playlist.

We got to chat with him, via zoom, about the song, and all things music.

Sarah: I know you’re playing a sold out show at the end of May. How are you feeling about finally getting to play live again?

George: It’s good! Obviously, I haven’t played a gig in over a year now. Before the first lockdown, we had one around March 20th ish, so we’ve been anxious to do more gigs since then - and never got around to doing them obviously. Getting back out is going to be amazing!

S: Obviously you’ll be playing “The Storm”, but have you planned out which tracks you’ll be playing?

G: We’ve got 3 more tracks from the EP to come out, and a lot more music as well. We’re getting the band back in, I haven’t seen them all together since October. I think once we get back in a room, that’s when we’ll decide what we’re doing then.

S: Sounds great! Do you have a fondest musical memory?

G: That’s a hard one. One of my earliest memories is Red Hot Chili Peppers, I used to listen to that with my mom when I was about 3, before I went to bed. I remember dancing in the kitchen! That’s probably the earliest and fondest memory.

S: That’s a great night time ritual - listening to their albums before bed!

G: Yeah,“Can’t Stop” was probably the one.

S: You’ve been in school choirs and have been getting ready to release your first single for years now. Was it nervaking at first?

G: Not that I’ve had huge of an audience to release it to, but I think as soon as you let something go it’s not yours anymore, so yeah. Also because I’ve had it close to my chest for such a long time.

S: I could imagine! And you don’t have a big following right now, but I have a feeling you will soon.

G: Thank you!

S: Let’s talk about “The Storm”! It’s your debut track, and when I heard it was supposed to be an angry song, I was surprised. It’s more on the chill side until maybe 2 minutes in. Was that always the idea?

G: Yeah! I think when I make songs, I start with instrumental idea and then that change was a big part of the original idea. You know the song “Heroin” by The Velvet Underground? I was listening to that whole album at the time, and it’s all just a bit weird at points. I think it’s those big moments from nothing to something.

S: I can’t wait for what’s to come next from you, is there anything you can hint at?

G: Obviously, the rest of the EP will be coming out very shortly. There’s a couple other videos with been working on, some large stuff. It’s been a weird year to try and get as much stuff together, in and out of different restrictions. There’s a good amount of stuff to come!

S: I can’t wait! Describe your music as an animal.

G: Like a pigeon.

S: A pigeon?

G: {laughs} I don’t know why.

S: That was the best answer I’ve ever gotten. Do you have any favourite artists at the moment?

G: Phoebe Bridgers, and Celeste are my top favourites.

Connect with George O’Hanlon: Instagram|Twitter|Facebook


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