Interview with Eloise.

Interviewed by Sarah Evangelista

Leaving her feelings bare and on the table for everyone to see, London based Eloise has perfected the act releasing good music from personal experiences. Today, she has released her new project Drunk on a Flight, and we got to interview her.

What is your fondest musical memory?

I have so many but probably being in the studio with Damon Albarn when I was 12… I had just acted in an indie film and got put in the studio with Damon who was writing the soundtrack and we ended up writing the title song. I remember when I went in the booth to record it, I thought ’THIS is what I’m meant to do.”

Your parents are in the arts as well, correct? Did you ever have a moment where you wanted to pursue another path, or was it always the arts for you?

It was always the arts for me. My family are so deeply in that world that it would have been a tad peculiar if I’d have gone to university to study anything remotely academic… I just always made sounds and wanted to show off, which is funny because now I’m the most embarrassed person I know!

Between "Drunk on a Flight", "Giant Feelings", and "Therapist", which were the easiest and hardest to create? Whether it was production, writing, or relationship wise.

Honestly, none of them were hard to write but in terms of production, I think “Drunk On A Flight” was the easiest because it’s way more in mine and Conor’s comfort zone, it just became about how to keep building the momentum of the song. The hardest to produce was “Giant Feelings” because it's the only song on the album with live drums so Conor was having to balance that out and, as you can hear, the drums sound so cool and unusual and it took some time to get that. 

Can you tell us about the creation process behind “I Take It Back?”

It was the scariest song to start making because it's so different as it was written as a pop song so we were both going outside the realm of what we intrinsically knew. In terms of writing it, it was another one that just poured out of me. For whatever reason, I was just holding onto a lot of frustration directed outward and inward which, in itself is conflicting.

Therapist" is truly a call out to someone who isn't acting the same as they once were. What was the initial idea for this song?

This song was kind of inspired by the episode of Friends where Bruce Willis cries on Rachel’s lap… Past that initial inspiration, it was just my best friend Belot and I getting red wine sassy and expanding on that feeling. I had started the song months before because I had so many people in my life who were being too heavily leant on by their partners meaning they didn’t have much room for their own feelings. So I thought it was time for a song about that.

You’re going on tour! Any specific cities you’re most excited to play in?

All of them! I mean I’m really excited to play KOKO just because that’s the venue I went to see people play all through my teenage years…there’s so much sentimental value with that venue.

Who are your current favourite artists/bands?

My current favourite artists are Oscar Lang, always Kendrick Lamar and a UK garage producer called Higgo.

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New Music Friday - 04/14/2023.


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